

Gymnastics & massage (Jelqing)

Jelqing and massage

Recently, a gymnastic method (Jelq, Jelqing, Jelgen) for enlarging the penis has also been advertised on the Internet. This is a fantastic marketing idea, they only sell information and are not responsible. For the provider, who earns around US $ 35 for each customer, this is excellent business. For the seeker, it is another sign of new frustration, as a real increase in size, if any, only becomes visible after years of intensive and time-consuming massages.

If everything that is written on such sites were true, why don't men also have huge penises from masturbating?

Comparison of Jelqing with other methods of penis enlargement

Compared to enlargement methods using pills or ointments, these offers at least have the advantage of being largely free of side effects.

Although most providers promise similar success to that of vacuum pumps, they often fail to provide the necessary evidence.

For all those who are considering penis enlargement surgery, these products at least offer a cheaper and less painful alternative.